Sunday, October 26, 2014

Top Spots on Our Campus, Especially for Freshmen

          Freshman year is a whirlwind of new friendships, schedules, jobs, and lifestyles. This can be overwhelming, exciting, stressful, but overall fun. Here is my list of the top places that would be especially beneficial for a freshman.

Residence Halls
          Bold Hall is one of the most welcoming places on campus with its great sense of community, but let me clarify my title. I don’t mean your own room, but the dorm rooms of other students. I have great memories of freshman year where students would leave their doors open as an invitation for people to stroll in and introduce themselves. This openness allows resident students to get to know their neighbors without any embarrassment or awkwardness. With just a teensy bit of courage, you can easily meet and know your entire floor. 
          If you make friends with upperclassmen, then you can see the lower campus dorm rooms for housing options after freshman year. You can have up to 5 other roommates living in a apartment-style dorm room. 

Students in a Mahler dorm room.

St. Francis Peace Garden
          I recommend this garden, especially when the weather is nice. This area gives students a place to be out in the sunshine, all while providing a great study or hangout spot. This nook is just a beautiful place to spend your time. Sometimes a breath of fresh air is all you need to relax. 

St. Francis Peace Garden.

A view of the garden from inside the Father Peter Horton lounge.

Magdalan Chapel
          The chapel is a wonderful place for those who need a quiet spot for themselves. Sometimes life is stressful, chaotic, and confusing – especially freshman year. This sacred space gives you an opportunity to reflect, relax, and rewind.  All are welcome to use this area, no matter their religious background. Also, La Roche offers Catholic mass several times a week for those who might be interested in worship. 

          Hopefully this gives a glimpse of La Roche's campus and how some spots are especially beneficial. Look out for a blog post with a fall campus photo shoot to show off how beautiful it is in these autumn months. 



Hello one and all!

My name is Kim and I'm a junior at La Roche College. This blog is going to be a picture-based journal of my experiences at college. Feel free to comment and ask questions!

The following list gives you a quick look into my life.

I am a:

  • Communication, Media, and Technology Major with a dual minor in Marketing and Professional Writing
  • Redhawk Recruiter Officer (I give tours on campus)
  • Makeup enthusiast 
  • Certified level 1 archery instructor
  • Novice filmmaker (I've learned so much from the student led film group, Redhawk Productions)
  • Camp counselor 
  • Public Relations Officer for One Youth (a student-led nonprofit organization that focuses on youth leadership and empowerment) 
  • Swim instructor and lifeguard 
  • Happy person :)
Trash pickup for Redhawk Production's community service!
Two of my favorite work-study coworkers, Rita and Abby, taking pictures at the Admissions office. 

Picture of a September sunset taken through Mahler's emergency door.

I hope this gives you a quick picture of who I am and what I do. This year, I plan on sharing my experiences on campus to illustrate what it really means to be a La Roche student. I look forward to posting about all of the fun that happens here! 

